4 Strategies to Sell More Life Insurance 📲💵


Hey, Rich here with Summit life group. We support top producing independent agents and advisers Nationwide looking to grow and scale their Independent Business. So, I want to talk to you about four strategies that you can use to ultimately write more business and make more money as an independent life insurance agent.


 The first strategy is utilizing leads. You know, everybody has their own opinion about leads but I will tell you, leads are a great way for you to get constant exposure and opportunities to speak to people and get good at this business, and the concept of leads is very simple. You’re taking some of your marketing dollars and you put a couple hundred dollars out in marketing dollars, whether that be your own personal campaigns, whether that’s buying from a lead vendor, whether it’s buying from an IMO, whether it’s outbound or inbound. Whatever the type of lead it is, you’re putting money out in leads spending a couple hundred in exchange for $700 or $600 or $1,000 back in commissions. So, you’re taking some dollars to give you opportunities to speak to more people. And leads is an incredible strategy and a great way to give you constant people to talk to on a regular basis. And so even if you’re on a free lead program ultimately what you’re doing is you’re still purchasing those leads in the way of lower compensation because those leads are not free, there’s a cost to them, but if you’re working with an agency that’s offering you some type of free lead program, you’re paying for the leads in terms of reduced compensation. But at the end of the day, it is a simple way for you to put dollars out for you to have consistent people to talk to on a regular basis. So, leads is an incredible strategy that you can use to write more business as an independent agent.


The second strategy that you can use is simply your warm
market. And I know, a lot of people don’t want to talk to people in their warm Market, but there are opportunities all around us in our warm market, and I don’t just mean people that we know or
that we’ve known all our life, it’s the people we’re constantly meeting. The people you’ll meet tomorrow when they say, “what do you do?” I’m a life insurance broker “oh I need to take a look at my life insurance.” So, in your warm Market, there’s all kind of opportunities with zero cost involved and it’s a great way to increase your profitability as an independent agent. So, I would challenge you to don’t ignore your warm market and the warm Market opportunities that will constantly be growing and presenting themselves as an independent agent. So, the second way that you can write more business as an independent agent is using your warm Market.


The third strategy is referrals, and referrals is an amazing way to increase your profitability as an independent agent. That could be referrals from your customers, that could be referrals from your warm Market who don’t purchase a policy from you, it also could mean referral Partners; maybe businesses who refer people over to you, or possibly other insurance agents that don’t write the specific Niche product that you write, and so they refer those people over to you. Whatever the case is, referrals are a great strategy to utilize, and every single independent agent should learn to take and to develop the skill set to increase their referrals. When they write a policy, learning to get that referral customer is so, so important to increase profitability.


So, leads are a great strategy, warm market is a great strategy, referrals is a great strategy, and the fourth way is simply your book of business. And I know if you’re brand new and you don’t have any clients yet and no customers that may not mean a lot But over time, you are going to have customers, and those customers, if you take care of them, are going to have their needs change over time whether
they get married, whether they have kids, whether they have grandkids, whatever the case may be, they buy a house, their needs change and those customers come back to you if you take care of them and they become a repeat customer. So, your book of business becomes a very, very profitable thing for you over time in this business. And so, from experience, independent agents who learn to utilize all four of these strategies, yes you may start out just with warm market, or strategy, or just start out with leads, but if you will learn to use all these strategies what you’re going to find is you’re going to build a much more profitable business as an independent agent. So, it’s not one or the other, it’s all of them. All these strategies can help you make more money, and at the end of the day, if you feel like you don’t
have a lot of money to invest in leads, guess what, warm market referrals, zero cost for you, zero cost. It just takes being open-minded to look for the opportunities that are all around you.


So again, my name is Rich with Summit life group, we love to support independent agents and advisers Nationwide. If you are looking for an agency to partner with then feel free to fill out the link below to learn more about Summit life group

Join us: https://slgteam.com

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